
BOTTLE™ research is guided by the Analysis Task to inform direction and our priorities toward maximum impact. We use techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) to map R&D efforts to the carbon, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and economic metrics of the consortium.
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These analyses include baseline performance metrics for today’s linear manufacturing practices and the development of TEA and LCA models for emerging technologies that target both closed-loop recycling and open-loop upcycling.
Techno-Economic Analysis
We conduct thorough modeling of processes in Aspen Plus simulation software guided by literature and experimental work to generate rigorous material and energy balance data. These data are used to cost equipment, calculate key economic metrics including operating and capital expenses, and generate life cycle inventories. Economic and modeling assumptions follow those used in other Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy-funded R&D and sensitivity analysis is performed to better account for uncertainty.
Life Cycle Assessment
Using the life cycle inventories from TEA, we conduct LCA in SimaPro using ecoinvent background data and the Tool for Reduction and Assessment of Chemicals and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) methodology to evaluate the natural resources, natural environment, and human health impacts of each technology. We use Monte Carlo analysis to estimate uncertainty ranges for each life cycle metric and include sensitivity cases to identify opportunities for innovation.
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Learn more about the capabilities and exemplary projects within each task.